Tuesday, April 24, 2007


If you were looking for informations regarding the breeding of fat tailed gerbils you will have found out, that they differ immensely. Some say that the fat tailed gerbils are very picky, others claim just to put the male and the female fat tailed gerbil together. We bought our pair two months ago, when they were not quite sexually mature. Meanwhile they are over 60 days old and they mated already. This is kind of strange to watch since you really don´t know wether they are fighting or mating!! The male fat tailed gerbil likes to sniff the females underside which she generally resists with loud squeeking, they then "dance" on their hind legs until the female gives in. If the mating was successful the litter will be born about 19-21 days later with 3-6 pups.

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