Sunday, April 22, 2007


The fat tailed gerbils are sexually mature with 60 days. The gestation period is about 19-21 days and the fat tailed gerbil produces an average litter of 4-6 pups. If you have already read different sites about fat tailed gerbils you will have noticed that they differ very much when it comes to breeding. Some say it is very easy and they will reproduce year round, other sites claim that it is very hard to reproduce fat tailed gerbils in captivity. We have a male and a female fat tailed gerbil at home. We had to seperate them for a short period of time because our female fat tailed gerbil became very aggressive after mating. We had to look for a bigger cage and since we reintroduced them in a bigger terrain they get along fine. They even use the same nest together.

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